Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lost in Tonation Re:Hinduism and Buddhism

paing_aung Mar. 11, 2010 5:13pm

Some Similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism are that both religions belive
that existence of a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, governed by Karma. As I
am a buddhist, I agree upon that. Buddhism believes that birth, death, and
rebirth are cycling.The only way to cut off that cycle is to reach Nate-Ban
where there are no more birth, death, and rebirth. Moreover, Like Hinduism,
buddhism believe that the soul passes through a cycle of successive lives and
its next incarnation is always dependent on how the previous life was lived.So,a
Buddhists who want to have a good life at next life must stay sinlessly in
present life. If they can not stay in a sinless life, the cycle of birth, death,
and rebirth will happen again and again by the form of as human beings or

bobamakesyoufat Mar.15, 2010 1:59am

What did you think about when you heard about the origins of Hinduism from
rigid/unchanging caste systems leading to Hinduism as a religion? That was the
most interesting part of the discussion that I heard of because all of these New
Age Religions which are based heavily on eastern-religions kind of originate
from Hinduism. It makes so much sense logically to me why someone would make a
religion and set of beliefs to counter-act like what society told them they
couldn't do. The cycle of life in Buddhism makes so much sense if you look at
the context of the culture it originated in because the cycle of never being
able to change castes and being locked in.

May I ask what made you believe in that you possibly would be resurrected as a
grass-hopper if you were bad in your life time? Like, I wasn't religious most
of my life at all, but I just can't seem to fathom why or how that makes sense.
Also, about enlightenment, why do you personally believe that when you become
enlightened in your life time, that your soul/body would cease to exist? Maybe
it is because I grew up in America and am naive, but I just can't fathom how
anyone could believe that. I am not bashing you, I am just very curious about
Buddhism in particular because it is having this crazy movement all across
Western Culture where it is the in-thing and the cool thing to be doing. In my
work place, all of this New-Age stuff is like the cool thing to be doing, but
when I heard about the origins of it all, it just still hasn't made sense to me
yet. If you would be kind enough to share with us why you believe in Buddhism,
I would love to hear all about it.

thirteenaudrey Mar.17,2010 4:45am

In regards to your confusion about the belief of reincarnation, not knowing much about hinduism/buddism myself but realizing religious scriptures/beliefs can be lost in translation, I want to say that the suggestion of reincarnating into a grasshopper was not meant to be taken literal. Ill translations are the main reason why religions are stigmatized and divided into different sects or new religions altogether.

In many religions stories,parables, or prophecies are taken literal, word for word. Problem with this is words in our own minds adhered together in our own understanding differs from that of another. Also another important factor in how a concept or idea is understood is the way it is taught. Intonation can play a big role in how an idea is received.

For example when having to sit in a class for lecture for most it is very difficult to sit through when the professor recites information in a monotone,dry manner much like the Clear Eyes guy.


On the other hand if given the same information from a more lively,animated professor we are more likely respond and retain that information. All of a sudden the information is believeable even if it doesn't make sense.

So as for the answer to your questions...I don't know but I hope this helps you understand why someone would believe in something that doesn't make sense to you.

Presentation: when, where, and how can determine what you will and won't believe.

If presented with an idea at a young age we are more likely susceptible to believing it to be true. Especially when it's coming from someone we trust or look up to. Anything presented in grandeur at this point in time is the concrete truth.

Santa Claus,Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy

Anyway there are many things we come to believe.
Whether they make sense or not, beats me.
Whether they are true, it's all a matter of interpretation.

Personally when I think of reincarnation I think of the natural cycle of life. We are conceived, born, we live, we die, our bodies decay into the earth to give life to something else.

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