Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Continue being a Skeptic Re: Cathar Religion

c1barkey Mar. 17,2010 7:21am

As I was talking to my boyfriend about how am I supposed to get out seven posts when I know absolutely nothing about religions and don't even know what to say...he mentioned how he studied Cathar. This is completely unknown to me and I definitely never heard of this religion. I am not sure if anyone else has heard of it, but I am going to focus my blogs and my website on this religion since he seems so versed on it and I can learn from him at home.
This class is going to be my biggest challenge, especially when it comes to posting. Religion is confusing to me and I really don't understand most of it. I guess growing up without religion gives me a different outlook on it and a different mindset coming into it. I seem to question religion more than believe or follow it. Sometimes, I feel like I need to see the proof in order to believe and understand.

thirteenaudrey Mar. 17, 2010 1:40pm

I think it's great that you know nothing of religion first hand but why stick toanalyzing one religion that is going to be introduced to you through one perspective?

I really think you should take the time to at least wikipedia the main religions we are studying in this class to at least have some knowledge of them and from there I think you should post all your questions that you have concerning these religions beliefs. I mean it is great to focus and learn many things about one religion but doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of taking this class?

Good luck with your blog/posts, just don't be afraid to explore outside the Cathar religion. There are everyday things that can be construed as religious and you'd be surprised that you know more about religion than you actually thought.

For one you should really watch the crop circle video post within our first weeks lesson plan. It should give you a great start as to learning how or why people are believers or skeptics.

In fact you are a skeptic and I really think you should question the hell out of believers. So don't sell yourself short.

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