Asteroid B612, as described by the aviator, was discovered by a Turkish astronomer.

With this discovery the Turkish astronomer made a great demonstration in his Turkish costume so no one took him seriously about his discovery.

In order for his discovery to be held substantial the Turkish astronomer decides to dress in European costume and gave his demonstration again. This time because of his change in appearance they took his discovery more seriously.
You have to admit that the importance of appearance very much applies to us today. The most common of these circumstances is when going to an interview. Looking professional for some reason betters your chances at acing the interview.
Now let us look to religion. Does religion use it's appearance to reel us in? What is it about the appearance of someone will intrigue us to follow their religion?
I've never really thought about this before...
Within this class I've learned how Eastern religions can seem appealing to Westerners, mostly who live in hustle and bustling cities, because of the more zen/simple lifestyles.

Christianity may be more appealing to those seeking structure,order, yet filled with beauty and passion. If you enter more traditional Roman Catholic churches everyone is in their best clothes, looking almost uniform to one another, and the church is adorned with beautiful art and passionate scenes.
Take for example La Pieta by Michelangelo

This grandiose scene,in St. Peter's Basilica, is one of the more extraordinary works of art found affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. This work of art alone is said to make an impression on ones faith by having viewed it.
Icons have also played a big role and the size of these icons doesn't hurt a bit either. Like the Tian Tan Buddha

Which leads to the next point the aviator addresses.
The aviator continues to tell the story and explain how grown ups won't believe anything you say based on your appearance and if you don't explain it to them in figures. The value of something depends on the number it is related to. For example he states that if you were to describe the beautiful house you just purchased in detail, like what materials it was made of, it wouldn't matter until you told them how much it cost. He continues how he wants to describe the Little Prince's story as best as possible so both grown-ups and children can see the truth in it. Then he goes on to explain that's why he posed that asteroid B612 was most likely the home planet of the Little Prince, to give figures we could understand and hold valid.
We do this to our faith/religion all the time. We try to present figures and facts to explain our faith to others. I said in the previous post that we can rationalize our faith but when I said that I did not mean through facts and figures. It truly would be impossible. You can only rationalize your faith for yourself and no one else. I think that is the whole gist of what faith is.
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